SmartMushroom will introduce circular economy by upscaling SMS waste to a very valuable organic fertilizer.

3,3tons of SMS are produced per each tone of Mushrooms. In Europe 3,65MTn annually.

SMS will be first digested thanks to a two-stage anaerobic digestion process. Biogas produced provides thermal power to the dryer. 122m³ of biogas per tonne of fresh SMS is produced. Biogas can be also used as power source.

Innovative water removal system based on a hybrid drying process that combines condensation and adsorption through sepiolite filters to accelerate the process and reduce costs.

Once fresh SMS have been dried in an efficient way, it is pelletized and complemented with specific nutrients on clients demand to obtain an organic fertilizer.
The main goal of SmartMushroom is to help mushroom growers and cooperatives to solve their most pending production problems with the utilization of SMS.
SmartMushroom solution: SMS-ADryer plant will enable converting fresh SMS material that currently generates loses, into an organic fertilizer pellets market value.

Pelletize SMS to obtain an organic fertilizer with high market value
Lower waste management cost for mushroom producers
Economic benefit improvement due to new organic fertilizer
Circular cycle for mushroom industry
WP1. Biodigestor Reengineering: First requesting and achieving local government permits to operate the pilot plant. Studying the different SMS anaerobic digestion potential and set the final methanogenic consortium and the optimized parameters to design a biodigester which assures maximum biogas yields.
WP2. Dryer Reengineering: Clarify dependencies between biogas production and drying equipment as well as optimizing the drying process to obtaing a mixture of digestate, wasted mushroom and fresh SMS suitable to be pelletized.
WP3. Upgrading existing facilities: A detailed design of the pilot plan will be carried out as well as an execution planning. Material providers will be contacted and civil works executor will be selected.
WP4. Installation and testing: The objective of this WP is to build a functional pilot plant, and test the potential to provide enough biogas to feed the dryer once scaled up in order to treat a selected mixture of fresh SMS, digestate and mushroom waste in quantities suitable to be placed in the market at a reasonable price.
The pilot plant will be built within the facilities of Sustratos de La Rioja, which is the company that currently manages SMS waste for ASOCHAMP-CTICH and their associated members.
WP5. Organic fertilizer validation and product definition: To set a final optimized formulation for the organic fertilizer from the selected mixture of SMS, digestate, mushroom waste and co-substrate dried in WP4, according to target markets.
WP6. Industrialization: Set the requirements to upscale the model to industrial size providing with enough documentation to allow an easy replication of the model.
WP7. Exploitation and dissemination: Update of our plan for exploitation and dissemination for both the SMS treatment technology and SMS-based organic fertilizer. This will include the proper IPR management for both results as well as the preparation of distribution pathways for the pelletized fertilizer and the contact to stakeholders interested in the optimized anaerobic digestion technology, including a communication campaign.
WP8. Project Management: Ensure completion of tasks, work packages and the project as a whole keeping the schedule regarding deliverables and milestones as well as ensure the financial health of the SMARTmushroom project. It will ensure clear definition of interfaces and communicaction flow between the work packages leaders inside the consortium and between them and the subcontractors and the EC.

WP1. Biodigestor Reengineering. FINISHED
WP2. Dryer Reengineering. FINISHED
WP3. Upgrading existing facilities. FINISHED
WP4. Installation and testing. FINISHED
WP5. Organic fertilizer validation and product definition. FINISHED
WP6. Industrialization. FINISHED
WP7. Exploitation and dissemination. FINISHED
WP8. Project Management. FINISHED

Our biogas plant is running, we are producing gas and testing mixes with different co-substrates from agriwaste resources.

Our dryer is fully functional and is running at full capacity drying the spent mushroom substrate