Smart Mushroom
Smart Management of spent mushroom substrate to lead the MUSHROOM sector towards a circular economy
In Europe, mushroom growing generates annually more than 3.65Mtnof SMS that needs to be managed …
SmartMushroom will introduce circular economy by upscaling SMS waste to a very valuable organic fertilizer.

3,3tons of SMS are produced per each tone of Mushrooms. In Europe 3,65MTn annually.

SMS will be first digested thanks to a two-stage anaerobic digestion process. Biogas produced provides thermal power to the dryer. 122m³ of biogas per tonne of fresh SMS is produced. Biogas can be also used as power source.

Innovative water removal system based on a hybrid drying process that combines condensation and adsorption through sepiolite filters to accelerate the process and reduce costs.

Once fresh SMS have been dried in an efficient way, it is pelletized and complemented with specific nutrients on clients demand to obtain an organic fertilizer.
SmartMushroom Project is being developed by a European Consortium of companies and research centers: